martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today was a further example of the craziness that is this week.  In the one class I had today, only 7 people were there.  We still had them work on a Breakup Letter between King George III and the American Colonists, but the lack of a student population was a little strange.  When that class finished, I had the main event of my day.  Neena and I dressed up like rap stars and filmed ourselves performing a rap on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  It was pretty epic if I do say so myself.  Those kids will have no idea what to think when we show it to them.  I spent most the rest of the day trying to get the video to load over the slow internet and planning away.  The weather today was pretty cloudy, so it made for good going on a jog weather after school.  Other than that, I read some of my book and ate another delicious dinner.  

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