It was really nice to see my kids again after the long
break! I don’t know how excited they
were to be in school again after the break, but I know that I had a good
day. This also happened to be my last
lesson that I designed and led for the 9th Graders, so that was very
bitter-sweet. We did a primary source
document assignment in which the students found two primary sources to read and
write a description over before comparing and contrasting the two
articles. That concluded their
exploration of World War I. Hopefully
they learned a lot and can be ready to describe the war to their parents when
the 100th anniversary of the assassination of the Archduke Franz
Ferdinand comes up in about two months.
In the after school period of the day, I did my best to grade some of
these assignments, but the Thunder game was going on. So I Skyped my brother Jordan and he put the
computer in front of the TV and we watched the game together and yelled at the
TV and all that jazz. Even though it was
an OT heartbreaker, it was fun to watch it with my brother from 2.000 miles
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