jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

To conclude their lesson on the Mexican Revolution, the students participated in a celebrity death-match Mexican Revolution style.  Each group represented a different character and then they essentially debated who would survive between the two people (the Mexican Revolution was full of double crossers and backstabbers, so it was interesting).  The kids even made fake bets on who would win.  It was an interesting lesson to say the least, capturing the students’ favorite passion, arguing with each other.  At about 1:00 in the afternoon the rainy season officially started here with a bolt of lightning and clap of thunder right next to the classroom.  You could barely hear what people were saying because of the tin roofs of the school; it was an interesting experience to say the least.  The really interesting part was walking from the school to the bus-stop.  I was glad that I had my umbrella because I managed to keep my computer dry, which is all that matters.  The rain let up right as we got home, because that’s how life works.  So I went for a run in the rain cooled air.  It was super refreshing and the after-drizzle was the way to do a run.  That evening, I walked over to Mas por Menos to pick up gift-bags for my gifts to give to the people that made this experience what it was.  Afterwards, I Skyped my parents before finding the Avalanche hockey game on television.  The things I find on television here are always unpredictable.  I probably should have went to bed early, but hey, it’s my last week.  Pura vida.    

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